Cherry CBD Sleep Gummies With THC

Cherry CBD Sleep Gummies With THC


THC Sleep Gummies – CBD:CBN:THC Sleep+ Blend

  • All natural Cherry flavor
  • 20mg CBD + 10mg CBN + 5mg THC per Gummy
  • 20 count (thc, cbn, & cbd) sleep gummies per bag
  • These THC gummies are part of the delta 9 THC gummies product line as tested by 3rd party lab reports.
  • We designed our Perfect Dose line of thc gummies for those seeking a high quality hemp derived thc gummy and to help you find your perfect dose.
  • These Sleep gummies would be considered full spectrum gummies by industry standards.
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THC Sleep Gummies – CBD:CBN:THC Sleep+ Blend

Our best selling Cherry flavored CBD:CBN:THC gummies are infused with a 4:2:1 ratio of cannabinoids. 20mg cbd, 10mg cbn, and 5mg THC. Flavored with all natural cherry flavor and infused with our Sleep+ blend of hemp derived thc and cannabinoids, this gummy was designed to promote more restful nights. The Sleep+ gummies contain CBN as well as CBD and THC in a ratio that we think is perfect for those that may find sleeping difficult.

Note: These gummies are considered full spectrum cbd sleep gummies.

Our perfect dose line of thc gummies allows you to accurately know if you are taking a half or a whole gummy. Want half now and half later? Easy. Cut the thc gummy on the perforated line.

Our CBN:CBD:THC gummies are made with Non-GMO, Organic ingredients. These gummies are also vegan safe as well are gluten free.
When we created our cbd gummies for sleep line, we considered both utilizing hemp derived thc and a zero THC sleep gummy option as well.

Additional information


20 count, 40 count, 60 count



THC level

High >20%


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